The Decolonization of Capitalist America Is Essential To The Liberation Of Afrikan (Black) People
By Master See
The most important mass-based activity that Afrikans in America must initiate is the total and final decolonization of capitalist America! In truth, today there are just over 230,000 "Americans", predominately European (white) men that make up the ruling class. The remaining 99% are colonial subjects!
Inability to solve difficult problems usually stems from the lack of specific Afrikan centered knowledge, values and skills (AKVS). Success in solving the problems faced by Afrikans in capitalist America depends on the ability to acquire the AKVS needed. Once acquired, AKVS empowers Afrikans to manipulate the environment to achieve success.
Internal revolution is necessary to remove Eurocentric brainwashing, indoctrination and acculturation (EBIA), which prevent decolonization. Essentially, EBIA programs Afrikans to:
1. Regard as inferior and thus reject traditional Afrikan identity and culture.
2. Regard European culture as superior.
3. Completely absorb and manifest zero sum capitalist values, e.g. militarism [violence], monopoly and dependency [servitude].
4. Engage in self-sabotage and self-destruction, e.g. drug sales/addiction, gang banging, self-destructive lifestyles, petty and grand assimilation.
5. Join racist European public and private institutions, e.g. capitalist, political parties, to the exclusion of Afrikan centered organizations that support the People.
6. Continue dependency upon the capitalist ruling class, composed almost exclusively of European (white) men, for Afrikan livelihood.
7. Continue to accept the false propaganda contained in the Dominant Capitalist Narrative without Afrikan centered critical analysis.
The phrase “ime-ime” (pronounced “ee-may ee-may”) means, “inside-out” in the Igbo language and refers to the organized acquisition of the Afrikan Centered Knowledge, Values and Skills (AKVS) needed to effectively change the environment.
Thus, “ime-ime” is the internal revolution that empowers Afrikan Consciousness, on the continent of Afrika and throughout the Scattering.
Once said barriers are removed, Afrikans in America will be able to create Afrikan centered mass organizations and build the institutions so desperately needed to positively impact the material condition of the People.
We only need reference the tremendous struggles of the People from 1865 to the early 1970’s for guidance in organization of the ime-ime revolution.
Political education curriculums only need to be updated as they have already been written. Organizational goals and objectives written 50+ years ago are also relevant and only need updates.
Made possible by adoption of “ime-ime”, radical cooperation amongst the Afrikan people will enable the transformation from hyper exploited, colonial wage slaves to conscious, sovereign, self-reliant PEOPLE!
Evolve the Revolution!
Fund the People!
The Marathon Continues!